Have another slice of MCTS--It's good for you! [GENERAL CERTIFICATION NEWS]

There is a short post over on the Born to Learn site titled Have another slice of MCTS--It's good for you! that I really recommend folks take a look at.

There is one cross quote that is well representative of the job market today in my opinion.

"Over one-third of respondents who have a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification hold multiple MCTS designations. Those with multiple MCTS designations earn an average of $87,041, or $13,000 more than those who hold only one MCTS."

That is great reason to get certified. As a holder of multiple certifications and an Microsoft Certified Instructor for the night classes at TodaysTec http://todaystec.com/about_us/display.php I can certainly exude the virtues of having certifications and keeping them up to date by getting containing education credits or by re-certifying on the newer technologies as they release.

My Personal Certification Story outlines my start in the information technology field. I have been meaning to write an update to that and I will try to do that in the near future.

I will be working in the near term to get more training out at both TodaysTec and in conjunction with Wallingford Computer Center.

The training will be both for the IT Pro and the new comer and everyday user.

Stay Tuned…
