Security+ certification class, Windows 7 and Office 2010 introductory classes now forming for this fall [CERTIFICATION CLASS]
Hi gang. This post will only be worthwhile I suppose to the folks in Connecticut and perhaps the general vicinity surrounding. I have teamed up with Wallingford Computer Center to announce classes we are putting together for the fall. This is a trial schedule – if we can get some decent interest we are looking into the possibility of expanding the offering in 2011. In the meantime here is what we have on tap: Saturday October 9th from 10:30AM to 3:00PM Introduction to Windows 7 – This class will introduce Windows XP and Vista users to the new Windows 7 GUI (graphical user interface) as well as to show them how to perform common tasks. Some of the steps from XP / Vista have stayed the same and others have changed. The 1 day session cost is $124.00 and includes the classroom book to keep Saturday October 16th from 10:30AM to 3:00PM Introduction to Office 2010 class - This class will introduce Office 2003 users (primarily) to Office 2010 and the Office Ribbon which replaces the Offic...