What to expect in the coming weeks [GENERAL SITE NEWS]
So I had a couple of inquires as to what I might be doing other than the upcoming 70-680 exam overview so I thought I would post up some of my aggressive plans for the site since I seem to be getting a post up once a day (a lot more aggressive than I thought I was going to be able to). I will probably cap new items to five posts a week most weeks; the plan was at least three and I really didn’t have an upper limit because I didn’t think I’d have to worry about an upper limit but I can see how I might get on a roll from time to time. So anyway – I am planning to kick off 20 Minute Workout segments for all of the following exam tracks over the next couple of months: Exam 70-685: Pro: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician Exam 70-686: Pro: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Administrator Exam 70-640: TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring Exam 70-642: TS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring Exam 70-643: TS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastr...