Brad's TechTips - Social Networking and Security Risks [GENERAL NEWS]

A MUST READ for anyone that uses Facebook, Twitter and / or LinkedIn.

These sites are without a doubt very popular and very useful when used with care and thoughtfulness with respect to computer system security and data / information confidentiality.

The popularity of social networking sites has increased at astonishing levels. There is no arguing the usefulness of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  They can be used for professional networking and job searches, as a means to increase sales revenue, as a tool to keep the public informed of safety and other issues or as a way to reconnect with friends from way-back-when.

However, as with any new tool or application, it is always important to keep a close watch on its security implications.  Each of these tools comes with its own set of security concerns which can put your information systems and/or personal data at risk. This white paper will look at some of these risks and identify possible solutions to help protect you, your personal information and your company data.

Read Brad Dinerman’s entire write-up at Brad's TechTips - Social Networking and Security Risks
