Win7′s no-reformat, nondestructive reinstall [GENERAL TECHNOLOGY]

I have been reading articles from Fred Langa over the past two decades. His articles have been beyond insightful and extremely helpful. His “Langa Letter” emails were a staple in my inbox for years.

His most recent article “Win7′s no-reformat, nondestructive reinstall” is another big winner.

Since Windows 95, there have been “secret” ways to re-install your Windows operating system leaving much of your data and installed application base intact. For the most part these re-installs are effectively unsupported and relatively unknown.

I don’t remember where I learned my earlier re-installs from for Windows 95 and 98 but I do remember reading his article for Windows XP.

Fred has written a great article that outlines this entire process for Windows 7 and it can be found on the Windows Secrets website; it is titled “Win7′s no-reformat, nondestructive reinstall.”
