Microsoft Virtualization Certification [70-669, 70-693, 70-659 and 70-652]

This year I have two main goals for myself and one stretch goal.

I decided for 2011 that I was going to obtain my Microsoft Virtualization Certification and my Cisco CCNA. My stretch goal for 2011 was to also work towards a certification on WMWare.

I am a little farther behind the curve than I wanted to be for the year (I was hoping to have a couple of the Microsoft Virtualization Certification exams out of the way already) but I have been busy with several projects at work and saving the 4th of July celebration in my hometown for the second year in a row.

With that work completed, both the project at work and the one in Wallingford, I am going to get back on track over the summer. (Admittedly, I may have to drop my certification on WMWare stretch goal for 2011 and defer it to 2012 but we’ll see how it goes).

In the meantime I am going to be looking at the Microsoft Server Virtualization certification track as well as the Desktop Virtualization certification track. 

These certifications are broken down as Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization which is a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) credential and the Windows Server 2008 R2, Virtualization Administrator certification, which is a Microsoft Certified IT professional (MCITP) credential. There is also the Windows Server 2008 R2, Desktop Virtualization certification which is a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) credential.

In my next post I’ll outline some of my planned study for these certifications. As I move a long in my study and as a method of learning reinforcement for myself, I’ll be posting up some pointers and knowledge tidbits that I pick up along the way.
