So what is Certification Prep – The 20 Minute Workout and who am I?

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog Certification Prep – The 20 Minute Workout.

I suppose the best way to kick this off is to introduce myself to you, give you a little run down on who I am and what I'll be embarking on here on this blog and what you can expect going forward.

My name is Jason Zandri; I have been working in the information technology field in one form or the other since 1996. I am currently employed full time at Microsoft as a Senior Technical Account manager. I also write technical articles for numerous other sites and I teach an MCSE class at a local technical education center here in Wallingford Connecticut, which is my hometown where I have lived my whole life.

As for my own certifications they are:

Microsoft Certified IT Professional
Enterprise Administrator Apr 24, 2009

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Jan 19, 2009

Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Configuration Feb 05, 2009
Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuration Feb 02, 2009
Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuration Feb 02, 2009
Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuration Jan 19, 2009

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator: Security
Microsoft Windows 2000 Jul 02, 2003

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator Jan 28, 2002
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Apr 26, 2004
Microsoft Windows 2000 Jan 28, 2002

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Nov 18, 1999
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 May 18, 2004
Microsoft Windows 2000 Sep 10, 2001
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Nov 18, 1999

Microsoft Certified Professional + Internet Nov 18, 1999

Microsoft Certified Professional Jan 11, 1999

Microsoft Certified Trainer - MCT

I am a father to four children three boys and 1 girl aged 5 and 3 years, 17 months and 6 weeks at the time I wrote this. I clearly have a passion for technology and I do not sleep much.

In every class I've ever taught and in all content I write there is always one underlying theme - if I can teach someone the technology and get them to learn the material they will be able to pass the certification exams and go on to be successful in whatever part of the field they want to be in - server, desktop, call center, whatever.

It is my intent to continue doing that here on my own technology / certification blog.

The main focus will be Microsoft technologies and the underlying certification exams but I may over time branch into the material covered in the CompTIA exams

I intend to begin with Windows 7 and focus on that and the MCTS Exam 70-680: Configuring Microsoft Windows 7 as much as possible.

I am going to try to commit to two articles each week and perhaps more as time permits. I am going to try to write short articles that fit with the theme of the blog; something you can review in short order and gain a little additional knowledge on the subject matter on your way to mastering the topic.

I am sure this is going to be a constantly evolving effort and I am going to be looking to the readers of the blog for input.

So that's it for now and I am looking forward to see where this effort might take me.

Best of luck to one and all in your studies.
