So in my last post I offered my thoughts and opinions on the two tracks and what I would personally do if I was first starting out in the field at the end of 2009 or if I was already engaged and that would be to get or finish my MCSE and then move on to the MCITP certification. The folks over at Windows Server HQ which is a member of the family of sites run by have recently written three very good articles on the subject. Gosia Grabowska wrote an article back in August titled MCSE vs MCITP: Is the MCSE Still Worth It? in which she outlined her thoughts on which certification might be more valuable and worth the time and effort. She also took the time to outline the different certifications available and the tracks to get you there. Brian Nelson wrote a couple of articles this month (October) titled Why Getting Your MCSE Now Is Still A Good Idea and What’s The Next Step for MCSEs? Both of these articles offer some history and perspective of the venerable MCSE certi...